Love in a mist
Cockpit and App
- Improved People search behavior and timeouts
- Improved Group Search behavior and timeouts
- We've added 404 pages
- UniqueKeys are no longer case sensitive
- Fixed a bug in the manage feature where the search box would lose focus when typing
- Fixed a bug in the manage feature where the ampersand character (&) was incorrectly handled
- Fixed Console.log outputs
- Some unique keys could not be deleted from the cockpit
- Webhook URL in the templates section was saved but not shown to user in the cockpit after reload of the page
- Access review allowed to modify membership in dynamic groups
- Images for success and failure where too big
- Improved channel provisioning functionality and performance of the EasyLife engine
- Improved handling of unique keys with a better naming collision if your unique keys got out of sync
- Improved Metadata application resiliency during creation
- Increased Tenant scan threshold
- Better exception handling when interacting with the Graph API
- Teams templates support emoji in names
- Fixed a bug where the wiki tab was not removed when a channel provisioning failed
- Fixed a bug where private channel provisioning would fail when guest account was added to a Team
- Notifications should not be sent to invalid email addresses
- Fixed a conflict with Azure key vault if a key was deleted
Add-ons 🚀
- You can provision tabs in Teams! The add-on supports tabs for SharePoint Libraries, Word, PowerPoint, PDF, Excel, and the new Channel Calendar
- Provisioning template selection can now be filtered by EasyLife Template ID and Metadata