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28 docs tagged with "settings"

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Access Review

The access review policy asks owners to review members and guest users of their resources after a given number of days.

Access Review

The access review policy asks owners to review members and guest users of their resources after a given number of days.


The Archival section allows the administrator to specify the number of days a Team may remain archived before this policy is triggered.


The confirmation policy will ask the owners of a resource to confirm that the resource is still in use after a given number of days. Owners will be asked to confirm that the resource is still in use by clicking on a link.


The confirmation policy will ask the owners of a resource to confirm that the resource is still in use after a given number of days. Owners will be asked to confirm that the resource is still in use by clicking on a link.

Email notifications

This table lists the types of email notifications EasyLife sends to your users:


The expiration policy checks the Last Activity Date as reported by the Microsoft 365 groups activity reports API. This API check activity for the following activities within a group (or Team):


The expiration policy checks the Last Activity Date


EasyLife 365 group management


Management of guest accounts

Multi-language support

The EasyLife 365 Collaboration App and notifications are available in the following languages: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Dutch, and Turkish. The EasyLife 365 Collaboration Cockpit is only available in English.


The section OneNote allows you to provision a OneNote notebook for your Team or Group.


The EasyLife 365 Collaboration Cockpit is your admin interface, it allows you to configure EasyLife’s experience and the behavior of its components in your organization. This web application is intended for IT Professionals and Service Managers in your organization. In the default configuration, all users have access to the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Cockpit once you activate EasyLife in your organization. The access to this web application can be limited to assigned users by configuring Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) accordingly.


EasyLife provides the following policies for groups:


Provisioning actions allow for further customization of Teams, Groups, and SharePoint sites created by EasyLife. EasyLife runs provisioning actions once, immediately after an object is created. You can filter provisioning actions by template or metadata. Actions are applied to all Teams, Groups, or SharePoint sites that match the configured filter after creation. If an object matches multiple actions, all actions will be applied following the order: provisioning actions without filter first; then actions with filter, considering priority, and alphabetical order.


The Owners sections allows the administrator to specify an email address of a shared mailbox, a specific user, or a distribution group to get notifications if a resource without owner has been found.


The Owners sections allows the administrator to specify an email address of a shared mailbox, a specific user, or a distribution group to get notifications if a resource without owner has been found.


The section Planner allows you to provision a Planner for your Team or Group.

Servicing Strategy

All incoming feature requests are collected and internally aligned with our EasyLife 365 team. You can submit a feature request using the contact form on this website. After verification, based on the type of request, the feature is put on the EasyLife 365 road-map. The aim of the road-map is to give customers and partners an expected time frame for delivery of upcoming features of EasyLife 365. You can find the features we are currently working on here.


The section SharePoint allows you to configure the SharePoint site.


The section Team allows you to apply settings specific for a new Team.

Unique Keys

The Unique Keys section allows you to manage unique keys. The EasyLife 365 engine creates unique keys if you configure a template with a naming convention. Unique keys are completely self-managed by the system. You can use this section in case you need to manipulate the next ID to be used once the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine consumes that key.


All visible settings in the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Cockpit, such as Templates and Policies, support versioning. Versioning allows an administrator to see a change history for any object or setting, open the earlier versions and, if needed, restore it.