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Version: 2.301.0

SharePoint Sites

This article will walk you through the learning path for managing SharePoint sites with EasyLife 365. Throughout this journey, you'll learn how to effectively manage your SharePoint site and be prompted to take necessary actions. The learning path spans four days to complete a full cycle, with the EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine scanning once per day.


To successfully complete this guide, ensure you have:

Creating Policies and Templates


This part of the exercise is completed in the EasyLife 365 Admin. Sign in to begin.

Creating a Policy

To start, let's create a policy and a template in the EasyLife 365 Admin.


  • In the EasyLife 365 Admin, navigate to the Policies tab and select SharePoint sites.
  • Create a new policy and name it SharePoint Learning Policy.
  • Provide a description and activate the policy.

policy details


Under Owners:

  • Configure the minimum owners policy to require at least two owners.
  • Set up reminders and actions for owner management.

learning SharePoint owners policy


Under Confirmation:

  • Enable the confirmation policy to prompt actions after one day.
  • Configure reminders and deletion actions.

learning SharePoint confirmation policy


Under Expiration:

  • Set up the expiration policy to trigger actions after one day.
  • Configure reminders and actions.

learning SharePoint expiration policy

Access Review

Under Access Review:

  • Enable the access review policy to prompt actions after one day.
  • Configure reminders.

learning SharePoint access review policy


For this Learning Guide, we won't explore the template policy. Refer to the template policy learning guide for details.

Creating a Template


This part of the exercise is completed in the EasyLife 365 Admin. Sign in to begin.

After creating the policy, let's create a new Communication site template.

  • In the EasyLife 365 Admin, go to Templates and select Communication sites.
  • Create a new template named Learning Communication site.

learning site template card

Creating a SharePoint Site


This part of the exercise is completed in the EasyLife 365 Collaboration App. Sign in to begin.

Now you can initiate the following steps of the learning path.

Day One

Create a new Communication site using the Learning Communication site template in the EasyLife 365 Collaboration App. Ensure you add a second owner as the policy requires a minimum of two owners. Wait until the SharePoint site is created and then remove the second owner.

Day Two

Check the Teams activity feed for notifications. The Owner count policy might mark the SharePoint site as non-compliant because the second owner was removed. Add a second owner using the provided button in the notification.

Day Three

Check the Teams activity feed for notifications again. The Confirmation policy might mark the SharePoint site as non-compliant. Leave it as is to trigger the confirmation policy action on the next policy scan cycle.

Day Four

The EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine will remove the SharePoint site as per the policies configured. Verify that the SharePoint site is no longer available in the Collaboration area and in SharePoint.


Congratulations on completing the EasyLife 365 learning path for SharePoint sites! To wrap up, return to the EasyLife 365 Admin and delete the Learning Communication site template and the SharePoint Learning Policy.