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Version: 2.301.0


The Provisioning section of group templates, allows you to define the naming convention for the associated SharePoint site collection URL and mailbox for your Microsoft 365 group. For guest accounts, you can only specify a webhook url that will be called when a guest account is provisioned through EasyLife 365.

EasyLife 365 Templates

For example, a project template created with the naming convention shown above will follow this URL and alias pattern:

  • First Team: P-0001
  • Second Team: P-0002
  • Third Team: P-0003

You can use EasyLife placeholders to dynamically create naming conventions for your alias. You can see the counter status of all placeholders in the unique keys section.


The alias is used as mail nickname and in the URL for the SharePoint site. The EasyLife 365 Collaboration Engine uses the following logic to build an alias when provisioning a new resource.

The check box user can choose mail nickname is disabled in the template:

  • {input} contains what the user specifies as Name

The check box user can choose mail nickname is enabled in the template:

  • {input} contains what the user specifies as Alias

Naming Convention

A naming convention can be used to further control this behavior. If a naming convention is in use, the {input} variable must be used, otherwise any user input will be ignored and the alias will be created only based on the naming convention.

  1. No naming convention: {input} is Name
  2. No naming convention with mail nickname: {input} is Alias
  3. Naming convention: Alias is built from naming convention.

Provisioning Actions

Provisioning actions allow you to define what happens once a resource has been provisioned. A Webhook can be used to trigger additional actions in an external system. EasyLife will notify the external system that a new resource was provisioned, the webhook contains an object with all information EasyLife has about the provisioned resource.

Teams template

This section allows you to define a template for new Teams that are created by this template. The default option EasyLife Teams Templates lets you hide the default Wiki tabs and allows the creation of classic and private channels. If a user creates a new Team using the following settings, a channel named Documentation will be created and all Wiki tabs are hidden:

EasyLife Teams Template

With the new Microsoft Teams Templates option, you can choose to apply one of the templates Microsoft provides. If a user creates a new Team using the following settings, the Microsoft template Adopt Office 365 will be applied:

Microsoft Teams Template